
Blogging for Beginners: Work from Home, Travel the World, Provide for Your Family

It was literally insane. I could go anywhere, at any time, and had no one to answer to.

At a moment’s notice, I could book a trip to Brazil, Spain, South Africa, or France. What’s more… I’d make money while I was

The catch was, I wasn’t rich. Nowhere close. Don’t get me wrong, I was making good money.

I was living in New York City. I could afford to party, eat out, and even save money. But, my time wasn’t tied to my money. It was coming in on autopilot.

Sounds like the story behind some kind of scam, right? I thought so too.

What I was doing online seemed completely obvious. Anyone could do it. But, when I explained it, I would always get blank stares.

People couldn’t comprehend the fact that I was able to set up a blog so easily and rake in cash, even when I was sleeping.

I had to be lying or doing something illegal. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it!

With this book, you’ll quickly discover how to get traffic, subscribers, readers, and build up passive income streams.

I’ll even share with you the most profitable niches online today and how you can get a slice of the pie.

This book is about much more than just your job (or even your passion). It’s about freedom. It’s about:

  • The ability to do what you want, when you want (without a boss lingering over your shoulder).
  • Being able to take “mini-retirements” and spend months in a foreign country.
  • The happiness you’ll feel when you don’t have to depend on a paycheck to be able to feed your family.
  • If you are: a mother, a father, or just looking to contribute to your family, you’ll also find that blogging is a great way to bring in extra income from the comfort of your home.

Grab a copy of Blogging For Beginners.

This book is available as an ebook, Paperback, and an Audible book.

Podcasting for Beginners: Start, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

When I started my podcast, I was 24 years old, completely clueless about audio editing, and a painfully introverted public speaker. I was very, very meek.

I had no idea what I was doing, and it showed. My first few episodes were horrible! I must have bored my early listeners to tears!

My voice sounded like a robot. Sometimes, I would “shout” and talk like an infomercial salesman because I wanted to sound more confident. It was really bad…

I kept trying. I kept growing. Most importantly, I kept learning.

Oh boy, am I glad I did.

Over the next few years, I’d go on to amass more than 150,000 downloads, develop a fan base of loyal subscribers who “binge listen” to my show, and get to interview amazing entrepreneurs, authors, and award-winning podcasters. It’s been epic!

I created this guide for you, because it’s the book that I wish I had available to me. The techniques, strategies, and resources that you’ll discover in this guide will literally supercharge your podcast.

Grab a copy of Podcasting for Beginners

This book is available as an eBook, Paperback, and an Audible book.